Projects and activities- ongoing and in development:
The Living Buildings Challenge.
- In July 2010, the International Living Buidlings Institute launched an Irish chapter. TEPUI's Erik van Lennep is a member of the founding Board of the Irish group, where he serves as Education Chair.
Conway School of Landscape Design, Massachusetts, USA:
- "The mission of the Conway School of Landscape Design is to explore, develop, practice, and teach design that is ecologically and socially sustainable. " In September 2010, Erik van Lennep was appointed Master Lecturer at the Conway School.
Published article, " Biodiversity Conservation as a Strategic Goal" (October 2010)
- Green Machines exhibition. TEPUI provided project mentorship for an interactive exhibit focused on sustainability, innovation and green investment.
ReForm 2010: Sustainable Design in Ireland
- The ReForm student design events have run annually since 2005 and have showcased some of the most inspiring examples of SD thinking and practice at both a national and international level.Erik van Lennep has been involved with ReForm since its inception, first with Cultivate Centre (see below) and then with TEPUI. This year in addition to collaboration on formulating and focusing the event, TEPUI provided a lecture "We are Building This Plane as We Fly It ! Sustainable Design in an Emerging New Economy".
Earlier Projects:........
Design Schools in Ireland
- Lectures at: National University of Ireland, Maynooth (launch new course on sustainable design), Carlow Institute of Technology (produce and facilitate 2nd year of Sustainable Design Innovation course), and National College of Art and Design (24-Hour Design Challenge).
Carlow Institute of Technology and Design Ireland Skillnet
- Introduction to Sustainable Design and Innovation course: production and
facilitation of 15-week professional certification
course (2nd year).
Course Announcement (PDF) 523.31 KB
- Strategic Development, Communications, Network Development and Policy Advisery.
Voluntary contribution of time and expertise.
- Ongoing collaboration with, and lectures at Kaospilots, a world class 3rd level school for social innovation and entrepreneurism in Aarhus, Denmark. Including 3-day in-residence design tutorial during White Week 2009. (One student's feedback here... )
- National focus organisation linking the design sector. Consultancy to the Board of Directors on future vision, funding strategies and community organising.
Qatar Foundation for Education and Culture: the Design Zone
- 2008-2009- Participant on international design team to Master Plan a new community of 4,000 homes based on principles of sustainability, situated on the Arabian Gulf. TEPUI was responsible for the oversight on integration of sustainable technologies and for “desert greening” strategies as well as low carbon design and overall landscape treatment.
Cultivate Sustainable Living Centre. With Ireland’s first and most comprehensive Sustainability Centre.
- Gardening for Abundance: A One Day Organic Food Growing Course
Design Ireland Skillnet & Carlow Institute of Technology
- Sustainable Design and Innovation: co-development and facilitation of pilot for Ireland’s first professional certification course on the basics of Sustainable Design Innovation.
- Received SEI 1st level Award.
KaosPilots International - International School of New Business Design and Social Innovation
- Ongoing collaboration with, and lectures at Kaospilots, a world class 3rd level school for social innovation and entrepreneurism in Aarhus, Denmark. Including 3-day in-residence during the 2008 pilot of White Week.
- Lectures at Dun Laoghaire Senior College, Ireland (Landscape Design), Dublin Institute of Technology (Living Technologies and Design), Carlow Institute of Technology, and National College of Art and Design (Sustainable Design and Living Systems).
Cultivate Sustainable Living Centre. Ireland’s first and most comprehensive Sustainability Centre; the annual Convergence Festival, an international convocation showcasing and celebrating leading-edge thought and action in sustainability:
- Re-thinking the City Conference: "Food Focused Urban Systems" a lecture on living technologies, food security and urban regeneration.
Dublin Institute of Technology
- Student Green Week: lectures for architecture and engineering students on Living Technologies.
Dublin City Council (DCC)
- Green Roof Policy Guide for Dublin. Research and production of policy guidelines for incorporating Green Roofs into the Dublin City Development Plan (2007-2008).
- Also featured in Construct Ireland: "When Erik van Lennep says he wants
buildings to be greener, he means it
literally. “Our goal is to maximise green roof coverage in Dublin,” he
says. That goal could soon be within sight, as Dublin City Council takes
the first steps towards embracing green roofs." (See
article: Alive and Well - Bringing Nature Back Into Building Design)
Cultivate Sustainable Living Centre . (2001-2007) Establishment of Ireland’s first and most comprehensive Sustainability training and resource centre
- Creation and development of Design-related programming for the Centre, including the most successful annual event, Rethinking the City, an urban planning conference focused on sustainability and urban revitalisation.
- Creation, development and mentoring for work experience programme focused on 'communicating sustainability'. More than 100 students trained between 2002-2007.
Creation and contruction of Teaching Garden, a unique street level roof garden featuring economic plants from around the world. Development of the garden related curriculum, training of international interns in basic Permaculture principles and garden maintenance, and development of the commercial plant nursery aspects of the garden. Production of “garden clinic” events based on Permaculture in the city, home garden design, and trouble-shooting of horticultural problems.